Add Whitelist

How to Add Whitelist Addresses

Add whitelisted addresses in the following format: 0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56, 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c Seperate with "," and end without one! *Note: - You can upload up to 500 addresses per one transaction, make sure there are no faulty or bad addresses (addresses from non EVM chains, missing letters or addresses in all caps)

Normal Whitelist, Tiered Whitelist, Public


The project owner adds the whitelisted addresses on the sale and the whitelisted investors can buy in the sale along with Fenix Inu's holders. Fenix Inu has 3 types of holders: Gold, Platinum and Diamond (Gold can participate in Gold Sales, Platinum can participate in Gold and Platinum Sales, Diamond can participate in Gold, Platinum and Diamond Sales)

There is no limit to how many people a project owner can whitelist. Whitelisted addresses have an option of buying in from 5-60 minutes (project owners can set the exact time when creating a sale) then the sale goes public and anyone can buy.

If a project owner puts more addresses in than the amount that would equal for everyone to participate, then a whitelist spot does not guarantee you allocation.


Tiered whitelist consists of two tiers - T1 and T2.

T1 All the whitelist addresses that are sorted in T1 have 10 minutes to contribute first along with our holders. Project owner is only allowed to whitelist the equivalent of the softcap, which means everyone from T1 should have a guaranteed allocation.

T2 After 10 minutes whitelist addresses that are sorted in T2 have the opportunity to buy in along with any remaining people from T1 or holders that missed their first chance. They have 10 minutes to buy in before it becomes public. There is no limit on T2 whitelists.


Public means anyone can contribute. As soon as the presale goes live anyone can attempt to buy in.

Last updated